Almost Everything I Bought In Vietnam

Full disclosure: I can’t actually share everything that I bought on my trip because a lot of it is about to be packed up as Christmas gifts - BUT Karli helped me shoot this stuff so that I can share it with you guys without spoiling any of my Christmas gifts. So, this is the semi-complete version of everything I bought in Vietnam. It is, however, the full version of everything I bought for myself. Now that we’re out of the weeds here and no one will be suing me for misrepresentation (or something, I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer) - here are the little objects for the home that I bought in Saigon:

A small hand broom that cost about thirty cents.

When I realized it cost about thirty cents (I’m bad at math and the conversion rate was HARD) I instantly regretted that I didn’t buy ten or them. I police man on the street helped us to translate with the man who seld them to us, who was pushing a cart of brooms for sale. I feel like he probably jacked up the price in the translation because that’s what I would have done, but for thirty cents it was really win win either way. I don’t have the slightest idea what to clean with this tiny broom so I’m going to display it in my new panty.


“Lemon Chilli Sauce” that you can use on anything

Good thing there is an English translation on the bottle because I fully would have forgotten what this was. My cooking teacher, booked via Airbnb Experiences, which I highly recommend, said I should get it if I was looking for a versatile condiment to take home. She said you can use it on chicken, fish or really anything and I fully believe anything she says, I’m going to try and do a post all about the class but this vacation was in October and it’s late November and I’m losing steam so we’ll see.


Pink Peppercorns

The closest I got to a “real grocery store” had these and the mystery spice below so I grabbed some because they take up virtually no space in a suitcase. Later on the trip I ate fresh peppercorns and I’m now on a hunt to find those. Any leads?


Mystery Spice

I’m thinking these are allspice berries…


A salt dish with a chicken

There were a lot of amazing handmade pottery pieces in Vietnam but this little chicken I found at a kind of hipster tourist shop caught my eye. I love the idea of a flaky salt dish filled up in a little mountain and every time you get to the bottom you get to see this guy.


Thank you again to the talented Karli Evans from All Seeing Media who is doing some of the coolest work in Miami - if you missed her short film screenings at Borsht Film Festival, you should follow her on Instagram and catch her next time.