isabel toledo fashion show at park grove
the soon-to-be-fanciest building in Coconut Grove, if not all of Miami, hosted a fashion show by Cuban-American fashion designer Isabel Toledo. A duo who are married and collaborate creatively whenever possible, Isabel and Ruben Toledo are one of the world's most artistic couples. He's an illustrator who provided the art for Park Grove (you can see it on the fence that's currently surrounding the site - where the Coconut Grove Bank still stands) and she's a fashion designer who's easier categorized as an artist.
This particular collection, Spring/Summer 2015, was exactly the sort of whimsy and elegance that defines the Toledo brand. Thick brocades and airy, light fabrics blended together in an aestethic that felt very "East Meets West." It was fany and fanciful, beautiful and surprising.
If you're interested in Park Grove you should definitely check out their very nice website.