historymiami x miami nice: pucho of the msg crew

over the next couple of days, we're going to be chatting with some of Miami's most influental street art locals. You can go see their work for yourself at HistoryMiami's Some Like It Hot exhibit. Some Like It Hot is the first museum major museum showcase of Miami's burgeoning street art scene. We've all seen the murals around town, but we don't really get to hear much from the mouths of those who've painted them. Today, we're talking to Pucho of MSG Crew



Tell me about your piece in the Some Like It Hot exhibit. How did you decide what to contribute and what do you think it says about art in Miami?

My practice of late has revolved around using what's available to me. Play it where it lies, so to speak. I guess it's a pragmatic approach.

How would you describe your personal style and artistic vision?

I like prints and patterns. Classic men's fashion. Shoes, a nice pair of slacks. Jeans and sneakers. Shorts on a hot day. As far as my artistic vision, I'd like to say 20/20. But, time will tell.

How do you feel about tourists visting Miami for the street art?

It's great. I've made a career out of it. It's fan-fucking-tastic.

The exhibit's description touches on how art in Miami is influenced by the hot weather. What's your ideal way to spend Miami's hottest day of the year?

Indoors with the AC blasting.

Graffiti or street art?

Graffiti. Plain and simple.

How do you take your coffee?


Where in Miami, anywhere in Miami, would your ideal mural be?

I'd like to do a mural at Miami International Airport or the Sea Aquarium, if the price is right.

Little Havana or Wynwood?

Little Haiti