Harvest Moon Bistro, A Miami Springs Tradition



there aren't very many reasons to venture into Miami Springs if you don't live there - except for Harvest Moon Bistro or if you won a contest as a kindergardener and designed their local park. I use both excuses to venture into this otherwise insular airport adjacent community.  

Sometimes on my way home from teaching a newbie the ropes at Flamingo's furniture thrift (sorry to all of those who think this one- man's -junk-mecca is still their personal secret, it's been out for a while. Don't blame me.) or if I went to send a real shock wave into an old friend, I'll tell them we should stop at Harvest Moon for some good healthy food eaten al fresco and then make a pit stop at the park that I designed as a six year old. It sounds like a lie, but it isn't. For kindergarten and first grade I went to Miami Springs Elementary, my mom was a teacher there and we drove by a Piggly Wiggly everyday to get to school. I entered a contest to design the local park at Prince Field, designed a castle inspired playground and won. The design would never, ever be approved today. There are swinging bridges and interior parts of the castle structure where a kid, or pedophile, can hide. There's a throne room with two seats for the king and queen. The only part of my design, as far as I remember, that didn't go through was my plan for a trampoline painted like the sky. You can't always get what you want I guess. 

Annnyywayyyy, my park is still there if you want to go see it. I think it was recently resorted and I'm proud to say it's in great shape and well taken care of. 

If all this thrift shopping and playground hunting works up an appetite head over to Harvest Moon Bistro, a real source of pride for Springs locals. This healthful restaurant has been around for way longer than the current wave of healthy-food-frou-frou. This is good, old fashioned, homey and healthy cooking. Pitas stuffed with vegetables. Juice. Salads. The good stuff, Order inside at the counter and take it to-go or eat on the covered patio surrounded by families and hipsters with good hair. For some reason, there are a lot of those in Miami Springs on a Saturday afternoon. 









