mariner seafood, market series
our market series began last week with a Middle Eastern market that you may walk into and not recognize a single thing, today's installation is a much more local take: let's get stoned. Stone crabbed that is.
If you don't recognize how totally delicious not just stone crabs are, but the mustard sauce that is typically served with them, run to Mariner immediately. The stone crab season doesn't last forever so you might as well make this dull Tuesday night a special one and get crabby (What is going on!? I just can't get enough of using stone and crab in lame puns... this will stop now.)
Stone crabs can be pricey, so you might want to just buy a few and use them as appetizers. Maybe pair it with fried chicken and creamed spinach like they do at
The rest of the year you can find fresh ceviche, smoked fish dip and other locally caught seafood specialties at Mariner Seafood.