this morning in unusual news...

if you haven't read Dave Barry, I suggest you pause- Google his name- and get reading. The Miami Herald columnist has won a Pulitzer and will make your stomach literally hurt from laughing so hard. Of all the Dave Barry articles I read in high school journalism class, there's one phrase of his that I've never gotten out of my head; he claims that Miami has an "Underground Weirdness Magnet." Time and time again Dave has been proven right, (this is coming from a guy who picked up his kid from school in the Oscar Meyer wiener) and today the Underground Weirdness Magnet is strong.

(I'm not quite sure what this is, but it's weird and I found it on Dave Barry's blog)

I found a New Times article about Charlie Christ staying with Jill Zarin in the Hampton's. He also has entertained Lindsay Lohan on his yacht on New Years, and has socialized with a whole bunch of super normal folks like Heidi Fliess and Mike Tyson. I'm not commenting on the politics of it all- I just love Jill Zarin and the magnet seems strong here. Here's what the New Times had to say about it, "just as long as Crist stays away from mental patient Kelly Bensimon and New Jersey's former Miami Beach coke stripper Danielle Staub he'll probably be alright."

image via new times